Health Office
The Transition Education Center Health Office is open every school day from 8:30am to 3:15pm. Our Health Office is staffed by Licensed School Nurse Molly Miller on Tuesdays. Please call or email us at any time with concerns or updates about your student’s health!
Molly Miller, RN-BSN, LSN | | 651-773-6055
Student Illness Procedure
The School Nurse and other school staff are available to help students with health concerns throughout the day. Students that become ill or injured during the school day should report to the Health Office. If a student needs to go home or seek medical treatment, school staff will inform the parent/guardian and document the absence per school requirements. If a student leaves school without permission from the Health Office, their absence will be considered truancy.
Medication At School
If a student needs to take medication during the school day, the School Medication form must be completed by a parent/guardian and the medication must be brought to the Health Office. Medication must be in the original container from the store or pharmacy. If the medication is a controlled substance or a prescription that will be taken for more than 2 weeks, written authorization from a doctor is also required.
This applies to both prescription and over the counter medications.
Physical Education Excuses
Students may be excused from physical education class for up to one week with a parent or guardian note. A note from an appropriate medical provider is required if a student cannot participate for a period longer than one week.