Title I

Striving to ensure that all students succeed academically and reach grade level performance expectations.

Title I is the United States Federal Government's largest education program to support public schools.  Funded through the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA ) which is currently authorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). For information about ESSA, click here.

The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.  

White Bear Lake Area Schools District Family and Parent Engagement Plan



District Center

Building-Specific Information

What is Title I?

Title I is the United States Federal Government largest education program to support public schools. Funded through the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA), Title I is designed to support all students in meeting the State Standards. The goal is to emphasize high academic standards in an effort to help students succeed academically and reach grade level performance expectations. 

What are some typical Title I services?

At White Bear Lake Area Schools (WBLAS), we use Title I, Part A funds to meet the needs of students at individual schools.  All four of our Title I schools run a School Wide model. In a School Wide, Title I, Part A funds can support the school needs identified through a comprehensive needs assessment and annual evaluation in order to upgrade the school’s entire educational program for the benefit of all students including those not meeting academic standards. School Wide programs are comprehensive school improvement strategies.

What are other uses of Title I funds?

White Bear Lake Area Schools allocates Title I funds to provide training to administrators, teachers and assistants and support district wide family engagement activities. Title I funds at WBLAS also help special population of students:

Which students benefit from Title services?

In a School Wide model, all students benefit from Title I, Part A, including those not meeting academic standards., via comprehensive school improvement strategies.


Homelessness is defined by the McKinney-Vento Act as a student lacking a fixed, adequate night-time residence.

Foster Care

Students in foster care have been placed by a county entity into a licensed foster care home, emergency shelter/foster care home and/or a familial foster care home.

Non-Public Schools

Eligible students in non-public schools within White Bear Lake Area Schools' boundaries are also eligible for Title I services. This school year, students in two non-public schools are receiving Title I services through WBLAS' partnership with LDA Minnesota.

The non-public schools receiving Title I services are:

  • Frassati Catholic Academy
  • Magnuson Christian School